Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weird Mind Thingy

Hlelo, can you udsnertnad waht I'm wtiring? Olny 55 out of 100 pleope can udsnertnad tghnis lkie tihs. The pmeonhanil pwoer of the hmaun mnid, adocrcnig to a rcresaeh at Cgdirbmae Utiersviny, it dnseo't mettar in waht oedrr the lrettes in a wrod are, the olny inartopmt tnihg is taht the fsrit and lsat lrettes are in the rhgit pcale. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can slitl raed it wuohtit a pelborm. Tihs is bsuacee the hmaun mnid dnseo't raed erevy lteter by ilestf, but the wrod as a wlohe. Anizamg, huh? Yaeh, and I ayawls thguoht snillepg was inartopmt! Wlel, ttah's all I hvae to say. So, bye! :D

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